Tag Archives: Executive Search

Debunking the Compensation Myth Surrounding Retention

by in BEST Advisory, BEST Industry News, BEST Recruiting

A driving need for obtaining talent is retention. It is a huge issue when you take into account that, according to a September 2018 article from CNBC, “workers are quitting at the highest rate since 2001.”  When retention rates are low due to high undesirable attrition, many business leaders look to recruitment to fill that […]

Expand Your Candidate Pool: Best Behaviors Lead to the Best Candidates

by in BEST Advisory, BEST Industry News, BEST Recruiting

I don’t know about you, but it’s starting to get old hearing the “it’s a candidate’s market” comments from nearly everyone in social media, news articles and in far too many blogs to count (The BEST Blog included).  It’s one thing to call it out, but it’s entirely different to address and solve the problem.  […]

Be an Investor When Recruiting and Hiring

by in BEST Advisory, BEST Industry News, BEST Recruiting

Who you hire is one of the most important decisions and investments you can make in your business. However, recruiting and hiring today is more important than finding a person with the right skills and qualifications. Do the candidates fit our culture and strategic vision? Do they share our values and have the right behaviors […]

All’s Fair in Love and Retention

by in BEST Advisory, BEST Industry News, BEST Recruiting

In the current candidate’s market, employee retention can seem like war, but it doesn’t have to be. Often, when top-grade managers leave their organization, it is because of reasons that could be addressed by company leadership and has little to do with salary. In our own internal surveys that we use with candidates, “Company Culture” […]

Employer Strategies to Succeed in a Candidate’s Market: Lead, Match or Lag

by in BEST Advisory, BEST Industry News, BEST Recruiting

Part 2 of a 2-Part Series on the Important and Timely Issue of Hiring in a Candidate’s Market When I turned 21 years old, I was in my Junior year at Bowling Green State University and had just changed majors from Music Education to Business.  It was then that my dad gave me my first […]

Employer Strategies to Succeed in a Candidate’s Market

by in BEST Advisory, BEST Industry News, BEST Recruiting

Part 1 of a 2-Part Series on the Important and Timely Issue of Hiring in a Candidate’s Market It’s a Candidate’s Market!  We’ve all heard this statement, and many business leaders and hiring managers are sick of hearing it yet remain confused about how to properly address the current employment market.  Business leaders want to […]

    BEST Human Capital & Advisory Group

    BEST Human Capital & Advisory Group is a retained executive search and business advisory/consulting firm that specializes in small-to-medium sized companies, with an emphasis in the horticultural, hydroponics, consumer products, crisis management and business restructuring categories. BEST serves companies nationwide and globally in an active and evolving market. Through a well-connected network of colleagues and a sophisticated predictive behavioral screening system (that we call “BEST Behaviors”), BEST drives our client’s growth and success through a focused and consultative approach.


    5809 N. Post Rd.
    Indianapolis, IN 46216




