Meet with BEST in Baltimore at MANTS
The Mid-Atlantic Nursery Trade Show (MANTS) took place in Baltimore on January 10-12, 2024, at the Baltimore Convention Center, and BEST Human Capital & Advisory Group was there!
MANTS MEANS BUSINESS, and our Senior Executive Search Advisors, Ben Molenda, PRC, and Paige Franks, PRC from BEST, were there. Their focus was to make themselves available to meet with leaders wanting to discuss their executive hiring, succession planning, and talent needs for their company. With decades of experience in corporate management, sales, marketing, human resources, and business advisory, BEST specializes in talent acquisition and management consulting for the horticulture industry.
If you represent a company with executive hiring, restructuring professional, or succession planning needs, please make an appointment to meet with us anytime.
Contact us today, and we hope you had a great MANTS!
Download our Best Overview to learn more about the BEST Human Capital & Advisory Group and why there is a better way!